+44 (0)1670 513282 info@pace-geotechnics.com

Specialist offshore geotechnical advice and consultancy

World-leading expertise in cable burial risk assessment (C-BRA) and subsea trenching operations

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How can we help?

We cover a full range of offshore geotechnical activities.

  • Desk studies
  • Planning and execution of geophysical survey and geotechnical investigation
  • Project engineering
  • Foundation and anchor design
  • Cable burial risk assessment
  • Trenching assessment
  • Pipeline geotechnics
  • Research and development
  • Expert witness

Key Strengths

One of our key strengths is our world leading expertise in cable burial risk assessment (C-BRA) and subsea trenching operations.

Our principal, Dr Peter Allan was one of the leading developers of the C-BRA methodology now formalised in the Carbon Trust guidelines which have been adopted by the global renewable energy industry. In addition, Peter has first-hand knowledge and experience of subsea trenching operations extending over 25 years and is familiar with all trenching techniques and the specific trenchers offered by different contractors. We maintain an extensive catalogue of specifications for trenchers and can comment on the capabilities of most trenching tools based on first hand experience.

Extensive knowledge, holistic approach.

PACE Geotechnics provides specialist offshore geotechnical advice and consultancy services to a wide range of clients from major developers such as Equinor and Ørsted through major service suppliers and manufacturers such as Helix Robotics Solutions and NKT HV Cables, to providing sub consultancy services to companies such as Xodus Group.

When accepting any commission we take a holistic approach, and use the extensive knowledge and experience we have developed to assist this project.

With over 25 years’ experience in the offshore arena we nearly always have some background knowledge of the geographic area and experience of similar types of project.

Over 25 years’ experience

For more information on any of our services, please contact us.